My dream job

 My dream job? Wow... I don't know. Am I suppose have one?

Well,  nowadays I'm studing Visual Arts since 2020. I used to study Drama Arts at other university , and I thought I wanted to be an actress, but sometimes life doesn't go the way you want to. Details.

I left Drama Arts in 2019, and I took a test to enter in Visual Arts at the recognized Universidad de Chile. So, I entered into "Ciclo Básico" which is like a bachelor, and once you approved the two common years you can enter in the oficial career without PAES. 

Thanks to this chance in life, I discovered a beautiful world in the arts. In fact, during the past year I started thinking a lot about the future, my future. I thought "well, maybe I want to be a teacher!" but... teacher at school? At university? Where….

Actually, no. I really want to work with children's, but not in a conventional way. I would like to work with vulnerable children's, because I think they need a special and different thing in their lives. Children's without family or in violent and hostiles situations  and homes, are the ones I think I can help showing them  a unique and creative hobby, and maybe they’re going to think about something else, and this could even be their safe space. 

I don't know about how much the salary is. Maybe is going to be hard to found a place where you can teach this things the way you want to, so I would have to work alone. But I really want to do this. I will work in other stuff too, so maybe I will be a teacher in other places, I like the idea of autonomy in pedagogy.


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